Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Image result for Onward poster
Just like in 2009's Up!, Disney/Pixar has made grief once again easy to digest in Onward. In the film which bears a resemblance to Disney's 2016 Oscar winning Zootopia, instead of animals the world's population is made up of mythical and magical creatures such as elves, centaurs, Manticores and fairies among others. The story of two teenage elf brothers: Barley (voiced by Chris Pratt) and Ian (voiced by Tom Holland) Lightfoot who lost their father at a young age and their relationship with their mother Laurel (voiced by Julia Louis-Dreyfus) and her centaur cop boyfriend Colt Bronco (voiced by Mel Rodriguez). 

On his 16th birthday Ian receives a gift from his deceased Dad thru his Mom. It was a chance for them to be reunited with him but only for a day. They immediately seized the opportunity but when the spell felt short, they embark on a quest that would change their lives forever.
Onward is a growing up movie about two young elves, discovering themselves on their path to adulthood. It also is a love letter to the past which we should always remember to protect and uphold so that future generations can learn what shaped us now. The film is also a good way to teacher younger kids about mythical creatures that had enchanted generations over time. I actually learned what a Manticore (voiced by Octavia Spencer) is thanks to Onward. Both Holland and Pratt have excellent chemistry playing brothers. They deserve another live action movie that's not in any comic cinematic universe. 

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