The good news is among all the Star Wars films released after Disney's acquisition of the franchise, this is the lightest, cheeriest and feel good film of them all. Oscar winning director Ron Howard brought the atmosphere that echoes similarities to the first trilogy of the franchise. Solo is an old fashioned summer entertainment that can actually bring more fans to Star Wars. Alden Ehrenreich captured the look and mannerisms of Ford. He brought the proper amount of wit and humor to the character. Before Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) came to the picture, Solo also introduced us to Han's original lady love Qi'ra played by Game of Thrones' Emilia Clarke. The only issue I have with the casting is that she looks so similar to Felicity Jones' tragic Jyn Erso in Rogue One.
As a Star Wars fan, it's such a delight to see how Han Solo and his sidekick Chewbacca the Wookie first meet. Kudos to the father and son writing team of Lawrence and Jonathan Kasdan for such an entertaining scene. Music's hottest male act Childish Gambino aka Donald Glover got his groove on
portraying Lando Carlrissian. Woody Harrelson, Paul Bettany and Thandie complete the supporting cast.
Solo: A Star Wars Story is a commendable popcorn fare that brings back memories of the original trilogy when we first saw it on the big screen.
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