Thursday, March 9, 2017

MOVIE REVIEW: Kong: Skull Island

This is a fresh take on a classic Hollywood icon that delivers a solid piece of entertainment that touches base on every demographic of the movie going public. The setting this time is 1973, after U.S President Richard Nixon announces the withdrawal of American troops in Vietnam. Some were asked to do a one last mission before heading home. Led by Samuel L. Jackson's Packard, they would accompany scientists on an uncharted island in the Pacific and solve some mysteries coming in from that place that left people scratching their heads.
Part monster movie and part war movie, Kong: Skull Island succeeds thanks to its solid cast from Tom Hiddleston as a British mercenary to Oscar winner Brie Larson as a photographer documenting the journey. John C. Reilly is winsome as a World War II survivor stuck on the island and John Goodman is at his usual best as the company that initiated the journey to Skull Island. It's nice to know that the film was partly shot in Vietnam - most scenes in the film echo Apocalypse Now. This only is Jordan Vogt-Roberts second film and I'm looking forward to a few more in the series if we base it on the post end credits scene.

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