Tuesday, September 6, 2016


In just 96 minutes which is short for a Clint Eastwood directed film that usually lasts 2 hours or more, the two time Oscar winning director made a love letter both to New York City and the United States in Sully.
Tom Hanks plays the titular character, now retired pilot Chelsey "Sully" Sullenberger who became an instant hero in 2009 when he was able to land safely on the Hudson River in New York, U.S Airways flight 1549 with all the passengers and crew alive despite the chilly weather and frigid waters after birds damaged the plane. Assisted by co-pilot Jeff Skiles (Aaron Eckhart in a heartfelt subdued performance), they soon realize that there's more to that when authorities call for an investigation if there was "pilot error" on the captain.
Eastwood, in his first film made for IMAX  was able to use the format wisely with beautiful shots of  the New York City skyline that compliments  the plane as it attempts to make the landing on the Hudson. The film also stars Laura Linney who plays Sully's wife. She and Hanks have great chemistry as a couple even though they weren't together in any scenes in the film.
When three All American Icons (Hanks, Eastwood and Sullenberger) collaborate, the result is one wonderful film that makes you want to do great in the world.

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