The setting is inside Shopwell Supermarket. Frank (Rogen) alongside with Barry (Cera) and Carl (Hill) are sausages all packed together and stacked on a 4th of July special freestanding shelf alongside with a pack of hot dog buns that has Frank's girlfriend bun Brenda (Kristen Wiig) in a package close to each other. The sausages are naturally from a crude mind are males and the buns with a vagina looking lip are females. Salma Hayek also lends her voice in the film as a taco and Edward Norton channeling Woody Allen as Sammy Bagel Jr.
As per the rest of the items in Shopwell Supermarket, the products aim to be chosen by the Gods aka the shoppers that will bring them to the great beyond that will promise them eternal good life. But when Honey Mustard (McBride) gets returned and saw the real truth, they scramble to escape and live.
Sausage Party ain't for everyone most especially for the highly sensitive and the easily offended moviegoer but look behind the crudeness and their lies an animated gem that's like an adult version of the popular Shopkins toys.
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