was diagnosed with an incurable, rare and likely fatal intestinal disease and the baffling way it got healed triggered by a freak accident.
Miracles From Heaven is produced by the Evangelical film division of Sony Pictures aptly named Affirm Films and anchored by the amazing performance of Jennifer Garner who portrays Christy, the movie elevates it from other faith based films released in recent years because it doesn't dwell too much on religion but more on the Beam family's struggle as one of their members was living on borrowed time. I dare say that this is Garner's best performance to date and is comparable to Susan Sarandon's Oscar nominated turn in the similarly themed Lorenzo's Oil in 1992.
Also starring Martin Henderson who portrays the patriarch of the family, Queen Latifah providing the comic relief and Hispanic comic superstar Eugenio Debrez, Miracles From Heaven is the perfect family film as Easter approaches. You feel good in the end and better yet you knew that it really happened.
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