Friday, November 6, 2015


There seems to be a trend here in Daniel Craig starred James Bond films: after his debut as the iconic British action hero in the critically acclaimed reboot of Casino Royale, the franchise then stumbles in Quantum of Solace, entertaining yet forgettable. It reinvigorates then in a big way thru Skyfall (which in my book is still the best Bond movie ever) and now here comes Spectre.
After a promising press release months ago about the cast that will join the franchise among them two time Oscar winner Christoph Waltz, Lea Seydoux from the Cannes winner Blue is the Warmest Color and Italian beauty Monica Bellucci (Malena): make no mistake about it, the film is a great throwback to the old days of 007: from it's locations Rome, Morocco and Austria until to the reimaging of one of the most popular villains in the Sean Connery era - Blofeld (Waltz), Spectre is director Sam Mendes tribute to the earlier films of the franchise - it is entertaining and yet after Skyfall I expected more.
From it's great opening scene in Mexico City till its great climax back in London, Spectre sort of bogs down in the middle but it's still worth your time and money to marvel at it's glory on the big screen and format of your choice.


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