Tuesday, June 3, 2014

MOVIE REVIEW: Edge of Tomorrow

I had low expectations coming inside the theater for Edge of Tomorrow since from what the trailer has shown is kinda like Tom Cruise's last film, the bland Oblivion. When the film started, with scenes echoing similarities to the beginning of Brad Pitt's World War Z last year about a force that's threatening mankind, Edge of Tomorrow is one entertaining, comic, action-packed movie. 
Outside of  the Mission Impossible franchise, this is Tom Cruise's best film in recent memory. As inexperienced military officer William Cage, the Hollywood superstar gave a performance that's part comic and believable in scenes that puts his life in death's door. It's always tricky when acting with visual effects but he pulled it off. He is ably assisted by Emily Blunt, if I'm not mistaken, her first action movie, who plays the poster girl for the Allies as the world tries to defeat a powerful alien force that came to invade earth.
The movie with it's concept gets repetitive but with the direction of Doug Liman (The Bourne Identity and Mr.& Mrs. Smith) with The Usual Suspect's Christopher McQuarrie as one of the writers, Edge of Tomorrow, based on the short Japanese light novel All You Need is Kill, is totally unpredictable. You will be at the edge of your seat not knowing what happens next even though some of the earlier scenes gets played over and over again.
Part Groundhog Day mixed with Starship Troopers, Saving Private Ryan and The Source Code, Edge of Tomorrow, despite borrowing some concepts from the above mentioned films, works and well worth your time and hard earned money at the movies.

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