Every January, the US magazine Entertainment Weekly publishes their Oscar Race issue forecasting the nominees for the Academy Awards for films released the year before. Aside from that, they also list the 25 films that you need to watch which has the potential to score some nominations. Here is the list to help you.
1. The Artist
2. The Descendants
3. War Horse
4. The Help
5. Hugo
6. Midnight in Paris
7. Moneyball
8. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
9. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
10. The Tree of Life
11. Beginners
12. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
13. The Iron Lady
14. Rango
15. My Week With Marilyn
16. Shame
17. Albert Nobbs
18. The Ides of March
19. Kung Fu Panda 2
20. Bridesmaids
21. J.Edgar
22. We Need to Talk About Kevin
23. Drive
24. Young Adult
25. Paradise 3: Lost Purgatory
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