She stars as Lorraine Broughton, an MI6 agent sent to Berlin to look for their embedded station chief David Percival (James McAvoy having fun in full Eurotrash regalia) and locate a list of Western spies before others get it.
Told in flashback while in a debriefing with British (Toby Jones) and American (John Goodman) as their country's representatives, Atomic Blonde is a stylized violent film with great production design that showcases the gaudy neon lighting and the music of that era. The director David Leitch who's also a stunt choreographer in films such as the first John Wick and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot knows his stuff. Be on the lookout for the extended action scene that is just amazing to watch.
Just like what Goodman says in the beginning of the film: "Don't trust anyone". The spy thriller part of the film might be confusing at times but the great cast and Theron's scenes with the beautiful Sofia Boutella brings back memories of her Oscar winning performance in Monster.